This is an online inventory and equipment tool compatible with the LotFP TTRPG system. It allows tracking of encumbrance and movement speed.
I created the Princess Helper to provide a convenient way to play from a phone or computer, quickly create inventory, and calculate encumbrance and movement speed. The inventory can be shared, it is saved between page refreshes, and there is an export and import feature.
Features list
- Lists of equipment including armor, weapons, miscellaneous items, and some tips about these items.
- Calculation
- Encumbrance
- Movement
- Terrain and weather adjustments
- Custom equipment entries
- Inventory is saved in locale storage and survives the page reload
- State can be exported and imported
- Languages support
- Responsive layout, mobile devices support
- Equipment sets
- By class
- Common
- Random
The full list of features is available on the project page. Currently, it does not include mounts, animals, or firearms. I plan to revisit this after a [short] break.
I used the LotFP Rules & Magic Free Version rulebook and resources from Basic Fantasy RPG, specifically the Equipment Emporium (r24) for the details on Miscellaneous Equipment.
I also expanded the Weapons list, adding specific items for Great, Medium, Small, and Minor weapons to enhance clarity.
I'd love to hear that you're using the app in your games.
- quoteque.itch.io/princess-helpers
- My website: ivlev.blog
- What Does Oktopus Say in Telegram.
For feedback, bug reports, feature requests, typos in translations (some are machine-translated), or other comments, visit Princess Helpers on GitHub.
You may suggest translation at the same page. If you find GitHub challenging but have enthusiasm, write to me on Telegram.
If you enjoy the tool, feel free to share it, star it on GitHub, hack it, buy me a coffee (I will spend that money on role-playing games; your name would be added to the contributors list).